Frank’s Red Hot Jelly Donuts are now a thing
03 Feb 2020

As the famous Frank’s tagline says, you can put that sh*t on everything. However, just because you can do something, doesn’t mean that you should. If you followed the classic condiment’s advice to the letter, you would inevitably come across hundreds of weird combinations that have no business being on the same plate. Everything is rarely meant to be literal.
As if determined to prove the dangers of casually covering every dish you can get your hands on in angry, vinegary pepper juice, Frank’s has this week announced a disturbing new collaboration with donut specialists Dunkin’. In an apparent bid to put planet earth off pastry for life, the spice specialists have come up with new hot sauce-flavoured jelly donuts. We’re all for mash-ups, but this might be a bridge too far.
According to a report by Chewboom, the new ‘treats’ have been created to celebrate Frank’s centenary, and will be exclusively available at two Miami-area locations. To top it off, the donuts themselves will actually be free, though whether this is enough to tempt suspicious shoppers into testing them remains to be seen.
Check out our recipe for a Giant Fried Chicken Donut Sandwich:
In order to impart Frank’s signature fierce flavour, the donuts will be filled with an apple and raspberry-flavoured jelly, before being drizzled in white icing and finally covered in a liberal sprinkle of hot sauce. The end result looks just as disturbing as it sounds.
The donuts actually made their debut during a Super Bowl advert, where they were included as part of a “Spin the Bottle” style game. The news that the dish is not only real but available as of tomorrow has understandably shocked viewers who had dismissed it as a gimmick.
If you’re eager to throw caution to the wind and try the curious combination, the donuts will be sold at Dunkin’ locations at 2800 S Le Jeune Rd, Miami International Airport, Miami, FL 33134, and 817 SE 17th Street, Ste B, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 – though Dunkin’ has stressed that there are only very limited supplies available. To anyone trying to get a taste, we wish you the best of luck – in every sense.