Game of Thrones has just released its own Oreo cookie and it looks epic
27 Feb 2019

As we wait for what promises to be the most exciting, exhilarating and epic eighth season of any TV show in human history, it’s becoming more and more obvious that Game of Thrones fever is, like the inexorable advance of the White Walkers, slowly taking over the planet. News that each episode is going to be about four hours long and has been made on a budget only slightly less than the GDP of Palau is just making the anticipation even more unbearable. Winter is coming – and so are we.
Obviously, with everyone watching announcements from HBO like a hawk, it’s hardly surprising that most of the world’s biggest brands are intently trying to figure out how they can capitalise on the situation. Some have just resigned themselves to buying ad space. Others, however, have decided to take a more creative approach to elbowing in on the action.
In news that will excite anyone who likes dragons and cookies, world famous treat distributors “Oreo” have announced that the will be releasing special “Game of Thrones” edition packets in time for the release. Through a series of incredibly cryptic adverts, the brand declared that “A new alliance has been formed”, intimating that the milk cookies will be dropped in April 2019.
Despite what is obviously a game changer for anyone who likes to enjoy a sugar-high before top quality programming, Oreo are, as yet, playing their cards extremely close to the chest. When pressed for further comment by reporters from The Daily Meal, their response was frustratingly opaque. “So glad you asked, we couldn’t keep it to ourselves much longer,” Wrote a representative in an email. “For now all we can share is a confirmation that cookies are, in fact, coming. But there will be much more to come! Stay tuned – we will provide updates as soon as we can!”
Though this teasing might be deeply frustrating, some top notch internet investigating has helped to shed light on exactly what customers can expect to see in stores. Photos posted by food blogs such as “Candy Hunting” and “The Junk Food Aisle” have helped to reveal what the new Thrones-themed packaging will look like. Complete with an Iron Throne, the names of the nine houses of Westeros and an ominous black finish, the new cookie collection is certainly more atmospheric than Oreo’s standard offering.
Unsurprisingly, Oreo are not the first food or drink company to get into bed with Game of Thrones. Earlier this year, we reported an exclusive release from a Scottish distillery, featuring nine specially crafted whiskies embossed with the insignia of a great house. As the season eight premiere comes ever closer, it seems a certainty that we will see more companies look to capitalise.
For the time being, fans will have to wait and see what shape the new cookies will take. But, for anyone looking for the ideal snack to set them up for an evening in the company of John Snow, Daenerys, Cerci et al, this looks like being a pretty good place to start.