
Giant avocado breaks Guinness World Record

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Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

In news that will excite millennial brunch lovers everywhere, a family in Hawaii has just set an astonishing record for the world’s most massive avocado. So long, inadequate amounts of guacamole and a frustratingly thin layer of green gunk on your morning toast. If this new achievement is anything to go by, there will soon be avocado aplenty for everyone. 

The record was set by the Pokini family, who live on the Hawaiian island of Maui. According to the official entry on the Guinness World Records website:

“The heaviest avocado is 2.55 kg (5.6 lb), and was achieved by Mark, Juliane and Loihi Pokini (all USA) in Kahului, Hawaii, USA, on 14 December 2018.

When the Pokini’s avocado tree started unexpectedly producing large fruit, they decided to attempt the Guinness World Records title to show everyone that Hawaii produces amazing avocados.”

The astonishing fruit itself took around 10 months to reach its enormous size, and was grown from a tree that had been donated as a seedling by Juliane Pokini’s brother-in-law. As she later revealed to CNN:

“While it was still in the pot it was pulled out twice by our son, we didn’t think it would survive but it did. When we planted it in the ground, we never did anything to it except for some trimming every now and then.”

If you like guac, you’ll love our Cinco de Mayo Bullseye Fajita Cake:

Despite harvesting the giant fruit almost 12 months ago, the family have endured a frustrating wait for formal certification. As Juliane explained to CNN:

“For us it was having experts and witnesses available at the time of weighing the avocado along with a certified scale. We also had to have everyone fill out a witness statement along with videotaping.”

However, despite having to jump through precautionary hoops, the Pokini’s avocado was eventually cleared as a bonafide record breaker. It might have taken a while, but having their names etched in the history books must mean that the wait (and weight) was worth it.
