
Man Who Only Drank Beer For Lent Loses Over 30 Pounds

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

If you like to keep abreast of developments in the dieting community, you will be well aware that beer doesn’t tend to feature prominently on most plans. This may be because the vast majority of medical professionals agree that alcohol, and beer in particular, directly contributes to health issues like heart and liver disease. Even with the best will in the world, beer will never be one of your five a day. Delicious, it may be. Nutritious, it is not.

However, despite the normally gloomy prognosis around anyone who overindulges in the pub, a heartwarming Easter miracle has given us all hope that maybe beer isn’t as bad as we all think. This year, Ohio resident Del Hall made headlines when he announced plans to spend the entire 46-day duration of Lent dining on nothing but beer. For the course of the holy festival, Hall declared that no solid food would pass his lips, and would rely solely on the nourishing prowess of a pint. Some said he was mad. Many said he would die. Few foresaw what actually happened.

Remarkably, despite all understanding seeming to point to the opposite, Hall has actually lost over 30 pounds since taking up the ale only diet. Keeping his followers constantly updated through his YouTube channel, Hall has reportedly seen his weight fall from 292.5 pounds to 259 pounds in just over 30 days. It certainly is a remarkable transformation, especially for a man who has been half cut for a month.

Speaking at the start of his challenge, Hall told reporters that he was well aware of the task ahead. “I’m an army veteran,” he told CBS, adding, “I was number one in my class in the army, I’ve run a full marathon before 26.2 miles I’ve done big challenges but this seems very daunting so I’m just curious if I’m up to the challenge, if I’m going to be able to do it or not.” The results seem to suggest that the sacrifice has been worth it.

Unsurprisingly, weight loss hasn’t been the only mysterious side effect of the whole experiment. Hall has also told reporters that the “Weirdest thing is my dreams, I have been dreaming about food every night.” Hall also added that he has noticed an improvement in his ‘mental clarity’, as well as reduction in sweating after physical exertion. On a more personal level, Hall noted how his “healthy”  bowel movements currently seem to be producing a sort of “sludge”.

Despite the obviously unorthodox approach to Easter eating, Hall has been quick to point out that the beer diet is not without precedent. Speaking at the start of his alcoholic odyssey, Hall explained how he had been inspired by 17th century Bavarian monks, who also survived Lent on a diet of beer. He explained this further to reporters, claiming that, “Being master brewers, (the monks) decided they would take a popular style of beer in Germany, bock beer, make it extra hearty and that would be their liquid bread and that’s what they call it. So the monks in Bavaria, they would call doppelbock liquid bread and basically it would sustain them through the 46 days of Lent.”

After being astonished by the effects of the beer diet, Hall has declared that he intends to continue pursuing it for the full course of the religious holiday. It is important to note that Hall has remained in almost constant contact throughout the course of his challenge, and continues to drink water as well as beer. Still, whichever way you spin it, the results certainly give pause for thought.
