McDonald's forced to pull popular new menu item after unprecedented demand
12 Feb 2024
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McDonald's announced it was halting the sale of one of its most popular menu items at the weekend, despite fans hailing it the 'greatest thing to happen in years'.
Yep, the fast food giant launched eight new menu items last Wednesday (7th Feb), including a McSpicy burger in collaboration with Frank's RedHot, which is their hottest burger ever.
But it was an addition to their breakfast menu that was an instant sellout – the Breakfast Wrap.
The McDonald's breakfast wrap has been taken off menus (Credit: McDonald's)
Many of you will remember the Breakfast Wrap was an old favourite, so its return was much anticipated.
Costing £4.39, the Breakfast Wrap came stuffed with a pork sausage patty, two fried free-range eggs, a crispy potato rosti, a slice of bacon and cheese. Yum.
“After three years off the menu, prayers, pleads and even petitions were answered when McDonald's proudly brought back the Breakfast Wrap on Wednesday 7th February," a Maccies rep said in a statement.
"Whilst McDonald’s predicted fans would be thrilled with this news, they did not anticipate just how much…
“Due to an unprecedented demand, McDonald’s has had to temporarily remove the Breakfast Wrap from the menu, to avoid running out of all wider breakfast items.
“It’s not goodbye, it’s just ‘see you very soon’. The Breakfast Wrap will be making its iconic return (once again) hopefully next week.”
Reacting to the post, many people urged McDonald's to bring the wrap back ASAP.
"I’ve [been] waiting so long to have another breakfast wrap…i never thought I’d have the [divine] pleasure again…I can wait for the eggs…please don’t take too long though…(sic)," said one person on Twitter.
Whilst another wrote: "Please, don’t do this. No again, I’m begging you."
People still want the bagel back... (Credit: Twitter)
However, others used the opportunity to put in a plea for a new breakfast addition.
"Bring. Back. The. Breakfast. Bagels," one guy wrote.
To which the Maccies social team replied: "Tom not now, can’t you see we are having enough trouble with this wrap…"
We'll keep you updated on when the brekky wrap is making its comeback!
Featured image: Getty/ McDonald's