
Walkers announce opening of crisp sandwich shops across the UK

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Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

One of the simple pleasures in life is a crisp sandwich.

If there’s ever a question mark over what to eat for lunch, the classic crisp sandwich is sure to come to the rescue.

Just lather up two slices of bread with butter and pile in a pack of your favourite crisps – we won’t judge whatever you choose.

For those who are serious about their crisp butties, it’s time to get excited because Walkers are teaming up with sandwich shops up and down the country to add that classic lunch to their menus.

Walkers are going to be putting crisp sandwiches on menus up and down the country from June 12. (Credit: Walkers)

The news follows the campaign which asked people whether they are crisp in or crisp out, meaning should the crisps be between the bread or on the side?

The campaign will launch on June 12 and will be open for a week, meaning that crisp lovers should clear their schedule for that period of time.

We know what you’re thinking, and it has been confirmed that it won’t just be the classic Walkers crisps that customers are able to enjoy.

If you fancy Monster Munch, Quavers or Wotsits between your bread then you are more than welcome to do so.

One item on the menu is the Might Monster Muncher, which consists of a Monster Munch-filled fish finger sandwich with cabbage, chipotle mayonnaise and Pico De Gallo on home-baked Focaccia.

Philippa Pennington at Walkers commented: “It’s very clear to us that people feel very strongly about whether or not the crisps should be eaten in their sandwich or on the side.”

She continued: “Last year the residents of Sandwich voted ‘Crisp In’ as the winning combination, but this year we’re widening the debate to showcase the wide range of crisp and sandwich combinations.

“The full menu and list of shop locations won’t be revealed until the week before opening. Alongside Max’s Sandwich Shop, other locations are set to include Glasgow, Liverpool and Brighton.”

You can even put Monster Munch between your bread. (Credit: Walkers)

Lovers of the sandwiches are being encouraged to get involved and share their creations online, with nothing being off-limits.

If you’ve ever wanted to have a Monster Munch tuna sandwich, this is the moment you have been waiting for… though that’s something you’ll have to make at home.

Featured image credit: Walkers
