Pillsbury are now selling pumpkin spice cinnamon rolls

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

No amount of pumpkin spice can make up for the fact that it’s the end of summer. Even if the taps started dispensing PSL and lettuce started to taste of cinnamon icing, most of us would still be miserable that we can’t march around in our shorts. But, even though we’re all going to have to start wrapping up again, we will at least have one more tasty thing to emotionally eat in the aftermath. 

In anticipation of the arrival of Autumn, legendary baking company Pillsbury have unveiled a seasonal special that will make shorter days that much easier to stomach. For a limited time only, customers at stores across America will be able to get their hands on special edition Pillsbury Grands! Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon Rolls. Though this isn’t the first time that they’ve appeared on supermarket shelves, the return of the rolls is certainly cause for celebration for anyone with a sweet tooth. 

Love cinnamon rolls? Here’s our recipe for Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls:

According to the official description on the Target website:

“Pillsbury Grands! Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon Rolls are Limited Edition. Made with Cinnabon Cinnamon and pumpkin spice icing included. With five Big Rolls per can. Make mornings special with Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Spice Rolls WITH easy-to-bake dough for fresh and warm Cinnamon Rolls ready in minutes! Made with Cinnabon® Cinnamon.”

Though we haven’t been able to find an official list of everywhere where the rolls are being sold, we have been able to find the item listed at both Target and Walmart, suggesting that they should be widely available. 

Each pack contains five separate Pillsbury rolls, and contains a separate pack of pumpkin spice icing for post-bake drizzling. Packs are currently retailing at Walmart for around $3.50, and $3.90 at Target, meaning that stocking up on cinnamon treats is easier than ever. Autumn may be upon us, but at least Pillsbury have given us five reasons to be cheerful.
