Pringles have announced that they are releasing new “Thanksgiving” flavours
07 Nov 2018
There’s so much about Thanksgiving food to fall in love with. Turkey, sprouts, sweet potato pie. These recipes are sometimes all that makes the otherwise miserable month of November worth looking forward to. But, for all the tasty things on offer, one food group often fails to spend any time in the Thanksgiving spotlight. Despite being a staple at almost every other time of year, potato chips and turkey haven’t tended to go hand in hand.
This started to change in 2017, when snack-giant Pringles decided it was high time to muscle in on the lucrative holiday market. Just before the Thanksgiving break, they shipped out limited edition tubes of three new flavours to major food publishers around the world, including “The Daily Meal” and “Food & Wine”, in order to test the water. The flavours, which showcased an entire Thanksgiving dinner, soon started to make waves.
The snacks proved such a hit with staff that the public began to demand a taste for themselves. Unfortunately, the holiday season soon passed by, leaving millions hungry and bereft. Hence, in 2018, Pringles have decided that the only option is for a mass roll out of three Thanksgiving flavours – turkey, stuffing and sweet potato pie. Not since the pilgrims first arrived has it been more appropriate to give thanks for food.
To the relief of everyone who missed out last year, the new chips will be on offer throughout this month. According to Daily Meal staffers who got to try them last year, the stuffing tastes “just like the herb-y side dish that we always seem to pile way too high on to our Thanksgiving dinner plates.” Pumpkin pie was described as “sweet and spiced but not overwhelmingly so,” while some favourably compared the turkey to the “crisp skin” that’s so sought after after a long roast.
This isn’t the first time that Pringles have unleashed a set of odd seasonal flavours. Fans of Christmas food will struggle to forget 2013’s now infamous release of mint chocolate crisps, which received mixed reviews from seriously confused fans. Similarly, American audiences were even more baffled by the arrival of cinnamon sugar tortillas and pecan pie Pringles in 2015, proving that not every festive flavour necessarily needs to be turned into a potato chip.
Despite some being won over by the “charming TV dinner tray” that transported the chips last year, 2018 will see each flavour have their own individual tube. Available for $14.99 from the Kellogg’s store website from midnight November 6th, this season promises to be a strong one for snacking.
Limited edition versions of your favourite foods can be something of a lottery. When the asking price is a good deal more expensive than the average American tube, you could be forgiven for thinking that you might pass on the latest Pringle on the block. But, if last year’s reviews are anything to go by, Thanksgiving Pringles might well be worth the investment.