This spa lets you bathe in a pumpkin spice latte hot tub
01 Sep 2023

It’s pumpkin spice latte season, folks!
But why stop at drinking the stuff? There’s a spa which is set to offer people the chance to bathe in it.
Yup, you read that correctly.
Spa Seekers is offering a pumpkin spice latte hot tub experience this autumn, and we can’t work out if it sounds incredible or just kinda…. sticky?

Anyone for a pumpkin spice latte hot tub sesh? (Credit: Spa Seekers)
The hot tub is infused with the likes of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and coffee, as well as pumpkin (naturally).
These all smell pretty wonderful, so you’d certainly be in for an aromatic experience, but apparently there’s wellbeing benefits, too.
“This fall-tastic hot tub experience allows you to immerse yourself in a warm, soothing concoction of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, and clove, topped off with a splash of rich coffee extract,” Spa Seekers explains.
“The pumpkin adds vitamins and antioxidants which help nourish and protect your skin from damage, leaving you feeling supple and refreshed.
“Nutmeg and cinnamon stimulate blood circulation, helping to even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of cellulite, while clove’s antibacterial properties can assist in cleansing and purifying the skin.”
Quite the wonder tub!

Get ready for an autumnal spa day (Credit: Spa Seekers)
Whether the PSL hot tub really will rejuvenate your skin or not we cannot say, but it’s certainly a fun novelty experience for any PSL fan out there.
It doesn’t stop at the hot tub, either. Spa Seekers is also offering PSL facials and pumpkin pie massages so you can really get into the autumnal spirit.
The Make Me ‘Gourd-geous’ Facial is meant to “harness the natural benefits of pumpkin and the aromatic spices found in the popular autumn beverage” and provides a “soothing, nourishing, and rejuvenating experience,” leaving skin “soft and deeply hydrated.”
Meanwhile the Pumpkin Pie Massage is dubbed “a one-of-a-kind aromatic experience that transports you to a world of relaxation and tranquillity.” Oooh errr.
It promises to be a “rich and luxurious massage,” leaving you hydrated and relaxed.

PSL season is upon us (Credit: Getty)
Jason Goldberg, director at commented: “We’re so excited to offer this unique, one-of-a-kind spa day as the perfect way to celebrate the autumn season.
“It was all inspired by how excited people get when Pumpkin Spice Lattes get re-released back in the coffee shops, so it’s fun to be able to provide a way for Pumpkin Spice Latte lovers to embrace their favourite drink in.”
The spa day is still in the planning stages, so we don’t have a location for it yet, but Spa Seekers is asking those who are keen to get involved to register their interest here.
Pumpkin spice spa day, anyone?
Featured image: Spa Seekers