
Man sparks debate by calling for ban on 'yapping' dogs in restaurants

saved! saved!

A man has sparked debate online after complaining about dogs in restaurants on social media, citing 'control' and 'hygiene' reasons he's against them being allowed inside.

In a post on Twitter, user Kev, who runs page @Englishomestead, said that he'd had a negative experience of dining out with dogs around.

"Dogs in restaurants. Just sat down for a nice meal with family, 10 minutes in, a couple come with three dogs.

"One yapping the whole time, the woman laughing about it, but no control, can hardly hear ourselves talk," he said.

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 12.32.53.pngKev's complaint is doing numbers on Twitter (Credit: Twitter, @Englishomestead)

The Twitter user added that he much preferred "the days when it was the norm for them to be kept outside."

"Let alone hygiene reason," he went on. "Waiting staff all stroke the one dog, are they washing their hands each time? as I doubt it. (sic)"

Kev went on to say that his criticism didn't apply to service dogs.

"Never met one that wasn't totally brilliant in every situation I've seen them in," he wrote.

GettyImages-949400246.jpgDogs in restaurants has always been a divisive issue (Credit: Getty)

Reacting to the post as it picked up traction on the app, with 1.3 million views and counting, people had mixed views on the topic.

"I’d rather eat in a restaurant full of dogs than people that don’t like dogs. Can’t trust anyone that doesn’t love dogs," said one person in the comments.

While another wrote: "Go somewhere that isn’t dog friendly. Would you prefer they be left in a hot car? Could be on holiday and can’t leave them in the accommodation".

GettyImages-1133188632.jpgPeople cite noise and hygiene as reasons dogs shouldn't be allowed (Credit: Getty)

Some people were passionately against this stance, though.

"It's mad the responses you've had here, pure aggy dog lovers acting like you're saying you hate their kids. It's ok to not want dogs knocking about a restaurant licking their dingus' while you shell out for a plate of pasta etc. Dogs aren't people guys," a third chimed in.

"I would not have stayed. Sorry, animals outside unless in their own home. Definitely not in a restaurant," said someone else.

What do you think? Looks like the jury is out on this one...
