
Woman sparks debate after bringing meat to sister’s vegan wedding

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

If a wedding invite states that the menu is vegan then you’d assume it’s only right to respect the newlyweds’ decision, regardless of what your food preferences are, right? 

Well, a sister-of-the-bride has sparked debate after bringing meat along to her sister’s wedding… and it’s safe to say that people had some feelings about it.

Following some choice words from the married couple, the sister still took to Reddit to find out if she was in the wrong for for defying her vegan sister’s wishes. 

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The wedding was totally vegan (Credit: Getty)

The woman started off by stating that she admires her sister for being “against all animal cruelty and suffering”.

She then revealed that she is a mom of two, to seven-year-old Cassy and five-year-old Chase, and decided to take her kids to the wedding. 

However, she mentioned that her son is a fussy eater who tends to eat one particular food for a few weeks, and will throw a huge tantrum if he doesn’t get what he wants.

His chosen food this time was sausage rolls. Knowing this, I knew that if he got fussy at the wedding, he would cause a disturbance. Cassy also tends to want things that her brother has,” she explained.

“Everything was fine until I got asked by my son if there were any sausage rolls. I had given him some and asked Cassy if she wanted any but she declined as she had gotten tired of them fairly early.

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The mum snuck in some sausage rolls (Credit: Getty)

The woman wrote that she had a few sausage rolls left over and gave one to her sister’s friend Matt – who most likely was not vegan or even vegetarian. She then stated that after Matt, two more people came up to her for the sausage rolls, but this time she “declined” because “it felt a little rude”.

However, the mum was left stunned when the next person to come up to her was her sister who was “glowing red.”

“She started going off on me about how it was her wedding and how I couldn’t just hand out non-vegan food to others since it was disrespectful,” the sister wrote. 

“I tried to explain to her that it was just for my kids but when she had told me that, ‘no one else’s kids are acting like this… they’re all fine with the food maybe if you were a better parent Chase wouldn’t be in this phase, to begin with.'”

The sister then told her that her closest friends don’t enjoy her food – and extra snub as most of the dishes were prepared by her – and also made a few other “immature” and “hurtful” remarks.

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The debate caused a rift between the family at the wedding (Credit: Getty)

Things got so bad that she then left the wedding with her kids.

In the end, the bride blocked her sister on everything and even her family members turned against her for leaving the nuptials “over something so small.”

But what did the public think? The crowds were divided. 

One person wrote: “You’re the reason child-free weddings are a thing,” insinuating they were in the wrong. 

Another person said: “Could’ve fed the kids beforehand…

“Could’ve taken the kids out of the venue and fed them outside…Could’ve taught your child not to have a tantrum over food but…….I think we get it. While not kind, her words were true.” 

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The wedding food was all vegan (Credit: Getty)

A third commented: “Her wedding is not about you or your kids.

“If your kids can’t go without a specific food item for one day then you should have respectfully declined the invite. Instead, you smuggle food into a vegan wedding and insult the bride on her wedding day….do you really think you are [not in the wrong] here?”

But others were kinder to the sister in question.

“Picky eaters can be stressful, and it sounds like you were trying to manage it,” said someone else.

“Yeah, this exactly. People are being way too harsh on her for a kid being in a normal developmental stage- and if her kid had been the one screaming at the wedding, she would have been the [in the wrong] for that,” another agreed.

What do you guys think about this one? It looks like the jury is still out…

Featured image: Getty 
