
‘Organic dog meat’ ads appear around London and spark huge debate

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

Adverts for “organic dog meat” have been popping up across London, and naturally, people are left pretty shocked by it.

Vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters may not see eye to eye on where the line is to be drawn at what animals are fit for consumption, but it’s presumed that not many believe dogs are to be eaten.

So the fact that people are spotting adverts for dog meat on their morning commute has raised eyebrows.

The posters aren’t exactly subtle, as they clearly display a dog next to bold letters declaring “Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat – Delicious Dog, Since 1981”.

The ads have been popping up on the London Underground – but before you question whether people are actually eating dogs, there’s a reason behind it all.

According to the company that set it up, which has since appeared to have been removed from Instagram, it’s a campaign to promote veganism.

As per PlantBasedNews, Molly Elwood, the vegan activist behind the adverts, has said it is designed to parody similar adverts that promote meat products.

Using words such as “ethical, local, organic, and high-welfare,” which are often used to describe meat, the campaign has grabbed people’s attention with terms such as “pug-bacon” and “labrador steak”.

The adverts offer “Labrador steaks”. (Credit: Purple Collar Pet Photography/Getty)

Molly has received a lot of hate for her campaigns, as she said in a statement: “We get all sorts of creative, violent threats – and it makes sense, when you see what we’re theoretically doing to dogs on our farm. These people think Elwood’s is real.

“But our social posts are recreated word-for-word from real family farms – and the backlash suggests people don’t like what these farms do to animals.”

There have been mixed reviews of the ad, as one person penned on social media: “That’s actually so clever,” while another disagreed by simply adding: “Gross!”

It seems as though the campaign is having the impact that Molly wanted, as she told Plant Based News: “There are actual messages from people who have decided to go vegetarian or try veganism after seeing our posts or website.”

“We hear from a lot of people that our posts or website simply helped them finally understand veganism, which is sometimes the first step to making a change,” Molly concluded.

So there we have it, there is no need for panic because nobody is trying to eat your dog!

Featured image: Westend61 / Justin Paget / Getty
