
Vegan friend wants to back out of offer to pay for mate's birthday meal when he picks BBQ joint

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How would you feel if you offered to pay for your mate's birthday meal, only for them to pick somewhere you couldn't eat?

That's what everyone's chatting about on Reddit ATM, after a bloke (who's vegan) asked the @AmITheAsshole forum if he'd be wrong to revoke his offer of a slap up meal.

"My friend Luke is turning 40 and I offered to pay for him and a group of our friends to have dinner anywhere Luke wanted," he explained.

"Luke knows I’ve been vegan since my 20s, and it’s never been an issue before," he went on. "When I asked where he made reservations he said a local BBQ place that is famous here for having a menu that mocks people who don’t eat meat."

GettyImages-10146700.jpgThe BBQ restaurant was vocally anti vegan (Credit: Getty)

Apparently, the menu "literally has a section that says, ‘Vegetarian options: don’t let the door hit you on your way out.’" So, errr, yeah... eek.

"I asked what he expected me to eat, and he got huffy and said, well, it’s his birthday, so it shouldn’t matter, I should eat before getting there and just order drinks while everyone else eats dinner and still enjoy everyone’s company, etc (sic).

"I had zero expectations of Luke picking somewhere vegan-friendly," they added. "I expected him to pick a steakhouse and I would've been fine with a salad and some sides.

"I didn’t expect him to choose somewhere that prides themselves on meat being in every single dish on the menu."

GettyImages-909208170.jpgThe friend had offered to fund a dinner party for nine (Credit: Getty)

The guy posting added that he'd offered to pay for a group of nine, so would be spending over 300 quid on such a meal.

He asked the public whether it was fair for him to revoke his offer, given the circumstances.

And it appears the crowds were unanimous...

"I get that you offered and said he could pick anywhere he wanted. This is extremely generous of you. So generous, in fact, that you should have at least been considered when picking the venue," said one person in the comments.

"Even on people's birthdays, my friend group makes sure to pick restaurants that cater to everyone's dietary restrictions and allergies. That's what you do when you care about your friends."

GettyImages-2162068883.jpgThere was no options at all for the guy offering to pay (Credit: Getty)

"'Taking the piss' is what your supposed friend is doing," said someone else. "You're bending over backwards to be nice and he is bending you further and being a complete jerk about it. Are you sure this person is a friend?"

"This man is 40? Good god," said a third.

"Bail on paying for this dinner since you won't be eating anything at all and would probably be mocked by the staff. I guess the other 8 will just have to split his bill," a fourth chimed in.

What would you do in this situation?

Featured image: Getty
