
Server sparks debate by sharing how Gen Z leave their tables compared to boomers

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A waitress has got the internet talking after sharing the state Gen Z leave their tables compared to boomers.

The video, which has recently resurfaced, showed two tables that waitress Kaitlyn Brande had just finished serving, and the contrast was quite stark!

The clip showed that the younger crowd appeared to leave the table in tip top condition, stacking their used plates and cups with all their rubbish ordered in a pile.

Meanwhile, the older customers left their plates unstacked, with half eaten food, napkins and mess totally untouched.

You can watch the video below:

"They get paid to do that VS we know restaurant life is hard here, let us help you out," the waitress wrote in the caption, explaining the two varying attitudes expressed by the groups.

In an interview with Buzzfeed, the waitress said she wasn't trying to shame older customers, but instead wanted to highlight how much staff valued politeness.

"I posted it because I thought it was ironic since older people always expect respect," she said. "All I'm saying is it was cool and helpful of the younger people, and I appreciated it."

People were quick to debate in the comments, though, with some stating that people shouldn't have to stack their own plates, whilst others saw her point.

GettyImages-1155883934 (1).jpgThe waitress showed the difference in how age groups left their tables (Credit: Getty)

"Would you like them to place the order and pick up their food from the chef also??? I mean why keep you if the customers will be doing all the work?" one person wrote sarcastically.

"I meannn that’s literally half of your job," said a second.

"My dad always taught me not to leave the place a mess when I leave. It’s not hard..." said someone else.

But others didn't agree.

GettyImages-1257516775 (1).jpgPeople had differing opinions on if they should stack their own plates (Credit: Getty)

"I love cleaning up my mess at restaurants, the wait staff already goes thru so much, so why not help?" a fourth argued.

As another chimed in: "I've worked in the service industry for years. I literally always clean up after myself because i have manners."

What do you think?

Featured image: Getty
