
Woman sparks debate after inviting friend over then charging her for the meal

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Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

How would you feel about your mate charging you after inviting you round for food?

In our opinion, there’s nothing wrong with asking someone to chip in if it’s pre-agreed, but a debate has sparked online after one woman invited her pal round and then sent her a bill.

Speaking on Mumsnet, the anonymous poster was clearly a bit miffed to be asked to fork out.


The woman charged her guests £20 each for dinner (Pexels)

“We were invited to a friend’s house for dinner,” she said. “Took a bottle of good wine with us, we wouldn’t ever go empty handed.

“Had a good meal, but they sent us a message after asking for money for each person! I thought this was crazy and I would never ask anyone to pay for their food if I invited them over!”

The woman added that before she’d been messaged and asked for cash, she had already invited her friend and her partner round in return.

“Am I being unreasonable to be a bit annoyed?” the woman asked. “We’ve already arranged to have them in a few weeks time and I’m not asking them for anything!”

Some people in the comments agreed that billing guests was rude.


The woman made steaks for the guests (Credit: Pexels)

“That’s awful behaviour!!! What is wrong with some people?!,” said one.

Whilst another wrote: “If they couldn’t afford to host then they should have asked everyone over and to bring a plate of food.

“Or say come over and we will get a takeaway, but would everyone mind paying for their own share. But to ask for money afterward is just crazy.”

“Really bizarre behaviour. Cringing on their behalf,” said someone else.

However, others weren’t as shocked by the request.


The dinner guest wasn’t happy to be sent a bill (Credit: Pexels)

“This is quite normal in some Scandinavian countries,” one wrote.

Whilst another chimed in: “I think it could be a younger generation thing.”

In response to the comments, the woman said that she and the guests were charged £20 each, and that she assumed that was for the price of the meal (steaks) divided between them.

 “I’ve had friends over in the past when I was a student and broke and I would just do a big stew and tell everyone to bring a bottle! But it wouldn’t cross my mind to text someone after!!

“We really enjoy their company, they’re great friends, It’s just this I can’t get over.”

Featured image: Pexels/ Unsplash
