
Woman sparks debate after bringing her own avocado to a restaurant

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A woman has gone viral after bringing her own avocado to a restaurant.

The influencer, named Jasmine Pineda, shared a video on TikTok in which she explained why she was bringing her own avo – and it's fair to say she's both inspired and appalled some of the internet.

Jasmine, who has also appeared on 90 Day Fiancé, said in the caption of her video: I brought my own [avocado emoji] and [knife] to the restaurant."

The clip showed her pulling the avo out of her bag, alongside the knife, and cutting it in half, before wiping her knife clean and putting it back in the bag.

"I decided that I didn’t want to pay $6 (£4.55) for half an avocado when I can pay like $5 (£3.80) to get two good avocados,” she said in an interview with

The restaurant, named Shisho Palace, is apparently Jasmine's favourite spot, and doesn't even have avocado on its menu, but she wanted to add some to her meal.

But Jasmine has done the same thing in restaurants that do offer avo, too.

“I have received weird looks, not only from servers, but sometimes when you go to a restaurant and it is fancy, people stare at you,” she added. “I was like, ‘Oh, come on, don’t look at me that way, because you have thought about it.’ It’s just that I have the courage to do it.”

GettyImages-1318115778.jpgThe influencer said avocados are too expensive (Credit: Getty)

Reacting to the video, it's fair to say that some people didn't support Jasmine's bold choice.

"Pretty uncool, go to places you can effort to eat out and don't start a new trend. Where do you draw the line what is okay to bring to a restaurant?" said someone in the comments.

While another wrote: "NOT CUTESY...NOT CLASSY...DEF NOT DEMURE! If you have to bring your own food to dine out that is a sign that you should stay at home and eat. What's next, bringing your own steak?"

"How classless can you be?!?!?" said a third.

As a fourth chimed in: "This is so tacky."

GettyImages-1153053517.jpgIs DIY avo on toast acceptable? (Credit: Getty)

For all the criticism, a lot of people were in favour of Jasmine's confession, and some even said that they do similar, too.

"Considering an avocado that size only costs about two dollars and the restaurant charges about twice that, seems if not reasonable, a possible good idea, yes," said one.

While another wrote: "Super smart honestly. these places charge too much for avocado!"

"I feel You! I bring an avocado and spice mixture of Everything Bagel, Onion pwder, Garlic pwdr to put on an order of toast (sic)," a third noted.

As a fourth concurred: "As a Mexican I carry an aguacate and tortillas in my bag."

Featured image: Getty
