Man creates at home Chipotle station for his wife and it's adorable
17 Jan 2024
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What's your love language? We thought ours was words of affirmation until we saw the incredible gesture that one man did for his wife.
Now, we're 100 percent certain it's acts of service.
You see, a video has gone viral of a man creating a Chipotle station in his own home, so he could serve his wife the ultimate Mexican meal.
In the clip, shared on account @tableview15, Braxton Hooks offers his wife Tia an array of fillings, with a big smile on his face.
"Welcome to Chipotle, what can I get for you?," he asks.
Then, giggling, Tia gives her order.
"I’d like some chicken please," she says, before asking her husband... "why are you screaming?"
"Cause that’s how they talk," Braxton replied.
"Would you like a wrap or a bowl?" he then asked, and she replied that she was after a bowl.
What do you know? He then scooped up white rice, black beans, chicken, salsa, guac and lettuce and put it in a bowl, before finishing with sour cream and cheese.
The husband made a DIY Chipotle counter at home (Credit: Getty)
"Would you like for me to ring you out?" he then asked, pretending to tally up her total in an imaginary till.
"That’s going to be 10 kisses," he then instructed.
"POV: When Your Husband Creates His Own Chipotle Since They Been Slackin," said a cap on the video, before adding: "10/10 Def Recommend."
"He is just so cute for you," said one person in the comments.
Whilst another wrote: "If this isn’t me and my future husband in the future I DONT WANT IT."
"He forgot to ask if it was OK of the guacamole was extra," joked a third.
Brb, we're off to recreate this immediately.
We're sure that Chipotle would rather you visit their stores than make their food at home.
However, talking of Chipotle guacamole, did you know that the chain's head chef revealed the recipe during Covid, so that people could make it when they could no longer visit?
In a 26-minute video originally posted in a live stream to Chipotle’s IGTV, chef Chad Brauze revealed the step by step guide to recreating the delicious green dip. As Brauze himself explained, “I guarantee you it’s the same recipe, same style, same technique.”
To get the full lowdown on the chef's guac technique, click here.
Featured image: Getty