
Waitress sparks debate by sharing how old and young people leave their tables

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A waitress has sparked a lively conversation online after sharing the difference between tables left by the younger and older generations.

Pointing out that the youngsters cleaned up their plates and left the table in an organised fashion whilst the older diners left their tables a mess, server Kaitlyn Brande made an interesting point about the generational differences at play when dining.

The TikTok was first posted in 2023, but conversation has resurfaced.

"'They get paid to do that' VS 'we know restaurant life is hard, here, let us help you out'," the video's caption read.

"Okay, here's all I'm saying, this is a table of five boomers - I've took some plates out of the way already," the TikToker said, panning to show plates strewn about, dirty napkins, cutlery and discarded rubbish.

She then panned to share a stack of neatly organised plates and crockery, with the rubbish gathered for her ease.

"Six Gen Z's... they did that," she added, zooming in to emphasise the difference.

Speaking to Buzzfeed, Katilyn elaborated on why she had shared the footage.

“I posted it because I thought it was ironic since older people always expect respect. All I'm saying is it was cool and helpful of the younger people, and I appreciated it," she explained.

GettyImages-546824431.jpgAre you a stacker or do you leave your mess? (Credit: Getty)

Reacting to the video, people were divided on whether it was expected to tidy your table after going for a meal.

"Would you like them to place the order and pick up their food from the chef also??? I mean why keep you if the customers will be doing all the work?" said one person sarcastically in the comments.

While another wrote: "But that's your job, why do you expect the public to do it for you, are you not capable to do it yourself? if you don't like what you do, then change."

GettyImages-1155883934 (2).jpgThere was a difference between how the generations left their tables (Credit: Getty)

Others were more supportive of helping out where you can, though.

"Yeah because old people think they’re above you because you work a minimum wage job young people realize that work is work and you’re still human," noted a fellow TikTok user.

As another concurred: "It’s not hard to clean up after yourself and make things easier on staff."

It looks like the jury is still out on this one!

Featured image: Getty
