Coca-Cola has made a vanilla float flavour

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

Coke floats are an iconic, all-American dessert. Ever since an accidental genius dropped a scoop of ice cream into an oversized Coca-Cola cup, summer sipping has become infinitely more exciting and delicious. Clearly, less isn’t always more. 

While the classic float is a fixture on beachside cafe menus the world over, packaging the experience has proved much trickier. Dunking ice cream into soda seems like a good idea initially, but 5 weeks on a shipping container tends to compromise the result. This makes the news that Coca-Cola seems to have figured out the formula all the more exciting. 


According to multiple reports, the iconic soft drink company has cracked the code to bottling floats, unveiling an all-new “Vanilla Float” flavour in Japan. Although the bottle seems to be a limited edition, the fact that it exists at all suggests that we may be one step closer to enjoying Coca-Cola and ice cream on demand. 

Check out the Super Bowl’s Controversial Coca-Cola Commercial:


The story stems from food-focused Instagrammer @SnackBetch, who shared a photo of the bottles on Sunday accompanied by the caption, “Limited edition Coca-Cola Vanilla Float flavor! Exclusive to Japan as of right now… jealous!”

Other sites, such as Japanese food retailer Napa Japan, suggest that the bottles were originally created as a summer 2019 special, though they can still be bought (at a hugely inflated rate) from some retailers at the time of writing.


Predictably, reaction to the news that there’s bottled Coke-y ice cream floating around on the internet was extremely excitable. One commenter on the original SnackBetch post said, “Sooooo jealous of Japan right now,” while another suggested, “Let’s sponsor one foodie to go out to Japan and get us a whole bunch of these.”


Although Coca-Cola has never been averse to experimenting with flavour, it’s rare that one of their twists enjoys such a positive reaction. Whether or not this is enough to tempt the company into a wider release remains to be seen.
