Wine lovers can get paid £250 to taste and review booze

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

Wine drinking can quickly become an expensive hobby. Anyone who’s enjoyed the epic story of multimillion-dollar fraud told by Netflix’s highly acclaimed “Sour Grapes” documentary knows that bills can quickly pile up if you get too into your Burgundy. 

Given the potential financial cost of indulging a wine habit, what we all really need is a way to get paid for the privilege of enjoying the occasional pinot noir. It might not cover a ‘45 Romanée Conti, but it would definitely help with the weekly shop. Fortunately, Vintage Roots is offering just such a solution. 

Credit: Pexels

To the excitement of wine-lovers everywhere, the British-based wine merchant has decided to enlist the help of one lucky recruit to test their summer range, all while being paid for the privilege. 

The successful candidate will receive £250 at the end of September having spent the summer supping their way through all the “socially distanced Sauvignon” you could want, according to the Vintage Roots website.

Although the company are keen to emphasise that this is not an offer of full-time employment, the successful applicant “will be able to receive the Rose Summer Six and Organic Everyday Case whilst providing Vintage Roots with a review.” There are definitely worse ways to earn £250. 

To enter the competition, candidates should:

“(post) a picture on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram enjoying your favourite glass of wines with friends, or at home after a busy day tagging @VintageRootsWines on Instagram and @VintageRootsltd on Facebook and Twitter, using the hashtag #summerwinetaster #comewinewithme.”

The deadline for applications is the end of August, with a winner revealed on September 4th, giving you plenty of time to strike a pose. Fingers crossed that your summer is about to get a lot merrier.
