You could get paid $5,000 to drink unlimited coffee and live in a castle

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

Drinking all the coffee you could ever want whilst being pampered in a Scottish castle might sound like the caffeine-addled fantasy of a Game of Thrones/Starbucks obsessive, but it’s a dream that could come true for one lucky fan. 

Thanks to coffee company Gevalia Kaffe, coffee aficionados from across the country are lining up to get their name on a list of potential prize winners. On offer is the chance to win a week-long salaried stay in Carlowrie Castle, Edinburgh, with a ready supply of Gevalia coffee. It’s like the Princess Diaries for Cappucino compulsives. 

As part of the prize, the winner will be crowned “Coffee Queen”, and will be able to bring a friend with them as part of the experience. As per a press release provided by Gevalia, the competition includes a $5,000 salary, a personal butler, five-course meals prepared by a coffee-inspired chef, private lessons on how to prepare café-style drinks at home and coffee-inspired spa treatments.

Aside from the fabulous perks of the job, the Carlowrie Castle Estate itself is plenty exciting. The house has an incredible 12 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms and 32 acres of land to explore as you are mid caffeine binge, so the presumptive lack of sleep shouldn’t really be an issue. 

Check out the infamous Game of Thrones coffee gaffe here:

According to senior associate brand manager Tina Bletnitsky:

“Gevalia believes a Queen is anyone who transforms into the most confident version of themselves after that first cup of coffee — they speak their minds, are self-aware, and aren’t afraid to make fun of themselves. At Gevalia, we want to celebrate the Queen in everyone, and now we’re just making it official.”

The competition is open to everyone, and applicants will simply have to answer a few simple questions to take part. The competition closes on December 21st, with winners announced on December 30th. Here’s hoping for a belated coffee-based Christmas present.
