You can now buy an actual powdered Oreo drink mix, with real Oreo bits

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

As anyone who has been brought up with instant milkshakes knows all too well, drink mixes are awesome. For a sugar-addicted adolescent, the ability to turn beige dairy into chocolatey heaven is basically alchemy. If you were lucky enough to have a family friend who stocked their cupboards full of sickly brown dust, you were one of the lucky ones who got an early glimpse into how exciting drinking can be. What a time it was to be alive.

Chocolate falling into milk Credit: Pixabay/1150199

Traditionally, the drink mix market has been dominated by big names like Nesquik. But, it has been announced this week that there may be a new game in town, primed to take the world by storm. Just in time for the holiday season, legendary cookie makers Oreo have unleashed their own delicious drink mix onto unsuspecting supermarket shoppers. Milk will never be the same again.

The new product was first spotted by popular Instagram account @candyhunting in a branch of Mid-Western supermarket store Hy-Vee nearly a month ago. Upon discovery, they immediately began to wax lyrical about the new product, writing, ““New Oreo Drink Mix is out now! This is intended to be mixed into cold milk, like Ovaltine.” But, despite @candyhunting’s obvious excitement, the release is only just beginning to gain serious traction.

On the surface, it isn’t immediately obvious what separates Oreo’s release from the dozens of other chocolate milk mix products on the market. Instructions suggest taking two teaspoons of powder for a glass of cold milk, mixing thoroughly for best results. Nothing new there. Similarly, the packet provides an estimated 32 separate servings, with around 50 calories and 11 grams of sugar per glass – not drastically different from any of its more well established competitors.

Where the real difference lies is in the ingredients. While typical drink mixes come in a chemically enhanced dusty powder, Oreo’s version has a secret weapon up its sleeve. Thanks to the twisted minds in the Nabisco kitchen, they have found a way to smuggle real Oreo pieces into their product. Obviously, this is a game changer for everyone who enjoys a bit of something special in their milk.

Of course, as Oreo fans will be well aware, this is hardly the first time that the cookie company have introduced something seriously exciting in time for Christmas. Already this year, we’ve seen the Oreo Music Box and the Ultimate Oreo Dunking Set arrive on shelves to greet hungry shoppers. But, given how much the addition of actual Oreo bits promises to shake up cold glasses everywhere, this announcement is surely the most significant.

Fans who can’t wait to get their hands on the new product will be pleased to learn that it has been spotted at Food Lion, Hy-Vee, Southeastern Grocers, Albertsons and Woodman’s Markets, giving you plenty of options if you can’t find it at the first time of asking. Alternatively, if you don’t fancy a wild Oreo chase, you can order it for around $12 on Amazon. Either way, 2019 promises to be a particularly chocolatey year.
