You can now get an Oreo “Ultimate Dunking” kit that comes with its own cookie holder
31 Oct 2019

If the toxic capitalist free for all that the Christmas season has become is good for anything, it’s for finding food products that would not exist in any other context. If it wasn’t for a holiday that’s built around our wanton desire for edible indulgence, we’d never get to try massive candy canes, 8,000 calorie dinners or enjoy chocolate for breakfast outside of Easter. For this, we can be truly grateful.
Every year, the biggest snack brands on the planet go head to head in a bid to tempt hungry shoppers with the promise of enjoying their favourite treats in a completely novel and arguably unnecessary way. 2019 is no exception. Leading the way for all companies who are struggling to find ways to flog a dead, but still delicious horse, is Oreo, who against all the odds, has come up with a cunning way to make dunking awesome again.
Spotted in stores by renowned snack stalker @candyhunting, Oreo’s “Ultimate Dunking Kit” is everything a milk cookie lover could want from a sweet set. Complete with a mug, six cookies, cookie tong, napkin and sinister-sounding “cookie cage”, it is perhaps the nerdiest way to pair Oreo’s and milk outside of a NASA slumber party.
Check out our awesome cookies and cream spiral recipe:
According to the @candyhunting account:
“One reason why the winter holidays are great from a food perspective: Junk food gift sets! Case in point is the Oreo Ultimate Dunking Set. It comes with Oreos, a mug, a “cookie cage” to hold Oreos, a cookie tong for mess-free dunking, and a napkin. Found it at Walgreens.”
If the comments under the original post are anything to go by, this isn’t the first time that the Kits have appeared in stores. One commenter stated, “Got one of these last year from my mom. We posted pics on Facebook when we used it and everyone was clowning on us. Whatever its cool! (sic.)” However, even if it isn’t exactly cutting edge, there’s still always a place for Christmassy dunking, however convoluted it may seem.