You can now get giant Reese’s Easter eggs filled with peanut butter
20 Jan 2020

In many ways, the prospect of a hollow Easter egg is the perfect metaphor for the emptiness we all feel at the end of January. By now, you’ve probably left your new year’s resolutions by the wayside and are feeling thoroughly dejected that your early vim and vigour has been replaced by mental myopathy and the go-getting derring-do of a sad tortoise.
Fortunately, not all eggs are so void of pleasure. If you’re a little more discerning in your pre-Easter shopping, you can find treats so stuffed with deliciousness that you’ll leave behind the misery of midwinter and suddenly feel like a perky spring chicken. Case in point, Iceland’s new Reese’s egg.
Retailing for just £4, the famous frozen food specialist’s latest seasonal special is a peanut butter lover’s dream. The 170g egg features a quarter-inch thick chocolate shell and a creamy peanut butter filling, making it the oval equivalent of a giant Reese’s peanut butter cup.
This design follows on from the success of the brand’s previous mini Reese’s eggs, which while widely successful were only available in relatively bite-sized portions. This new look giant egg definitely represents a step in the right direction for gluttonous peanut butter lovers.
Check out our recipe for a Molten Easter Egg Cheesecake:
According to a report by Metro, this is the first time that the eggs have been available in the UK, despite being a fixture of the American market for several years. The site also states that they are currently available for more than £3 less per egg than their RRP, suggesting that there’s never been a better time to stock up.
To make things even more exciting, the Iceland website has the eggs listed for home delivery, meaning that you won’t even have to leave your house in order to get your fill. Easter may be a few weeks away, but if this egg is anything to go by, it’s going to be well worth waiting for.