Poor Knights of Windsor by Alex Szrok

One of my earliest food memories.

Done in 20 minutes

Tom Jackson

Dish by



    Stuff you'll need:
  • 2 slices of stale white bread
  • a little cream cheese
  • a little jam
  • 1egg
  • 1 dessert spoon plain flour
  • 1 dessert spoon caster sugar
  • a cap full of milk
  • a tea spoon of vanilla extract
  • the smallest pinch of salt
  • a splash of oil
  • a small knob of butter
  • To serve:
  • to servevanilla ice cream
  • to servevanilla custard

Standing next to my grandad in his red, green and chrome Formica kitchen, Dennis Jelley, the man that (on a separate occasion) taught me the importance of saving a Yorkshire pudding for after dinner, to dip into golden syrup whilst doing the washing up. 7 year old me, chewing on a crust watching as he flips a soggy jam sandwich in spitting fat, poised for the quick ready steady go of steaming hot custard poured over a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream, begging for the fried sandwich to be plunged into its frothing melting hot cold wonder. There’s something of the fresh fairground doughnut in this historic pudding. Concentrated nostalgia.


  • Build a jam sandwich, use the cream cheese instead of butter, closely remove the crusts. Eat the crusts quickly and secretly.
  • Whisk together the rest of the ingredients - except the oil and butter - soak the sandwich in the light batter for a few moments on all sides
  • Heat the oil and butter in a frying pan until foaming, fry the sandwich on all sides until golden and crisp.
  • Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream with hot custard poured over it. Eat it quickly and with your hands.
  • What do you think of the recipe?

    Tom Jackson

    Tom Jackson

    Originally hailing from Birmingham, England and with a culinary heritage sprawling around Britain, Tom, the host of Shelf Life and Alphabetti, is a cook from nowhere that takes inspiration from everywhere. Passionate about the shared food experience and the commonalities between supposedly separate cuisines, Tom showcases broad and thorough references in his cooking and has a particular love for spices. He is also obsessed with pasta salads and is currently waiting for Mr. Naga to get in touch regarding his Ambassadorship.

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