Steak & Eggs by Alex Szrok

Few things can’t be improved by a fried egg and hot sauce.

Done in 12 hours

Tom Jackson

Dish by



    For the fries:
  • 1 kgMaris Piper potatoes
  • 2 tbspsea salt, fine
  • 50mlwhite vinegar
  • For the steak:
  • 1 - 1.5kgbone in sirloin / wing rib
  • 2 tbspflaked sea salt
  • 1bunch of thyme
  • 2cloves garlic
  • 2fried eggs, to serve
  • For the cabbage:
  • 1head spring cabbage core remove and sliced about 1 cm strips
  • 1 tin anchovies
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3 tbsp hot sauce
  • 1knob of butter

Alex takes us through cooking the ultimate fries to serve alongside a classic steak and fried cabbage.


  • Place the peeled and cut fries into a large bowl and rinse thoroughly under running cold water to remove excess starch. Fill a large pan with 2L of water, add the salt and place on a low heat until the salt has dissolved. Add the fries and bring to a gentle boil. Cook until tender, around 5 minutes. Gently lift the fries out onto a wire rack and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
  • Heat a deep fat fryer to 170°C. Fry the fries in batches for around 2 minutes until just turning a light golden colour and developing a slight crust. Allow to cool on a rack then transfer to a lidded container and freeze overnight.
  • When ready to serve, re-heat the deep fat fryer to 170°C. Fry the fries in batches for 4-5 minutes. Remove, drain and season with a pinch of salt. Serve immediately.
  • Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180°C. Place a heavy oven safe pan on a medium heat. Place the steak in the pan on the side with the fat and allow to render for 8-10 minutes, then turn the heat up a little and lay the steak down, season the top side generously with salt.
  • Cook for 4-5 minutes to develop a well browned bark, repeat this process on all sides of the steak then add the garlic and thyme, baste in its own fat (add a little butter if there’s not lots). Place into the oven for 5- 10 minutes, depending on the shape and thickness of your steak. Allow 10 minutes to rest then carve the steak off the bone and cut into slices serve with fried eggs.
  • In a large sauté pan on a high heat add the anchovies and garlic, stir and mash with a wooden spoon for around 1 minute, add the cabbage and fry until the cabbage is just wilting, add the hot sauce and butter, season to taste.
  • What do you think of the recipe?

    Tom Jackson

    Tom Jackson

    Originally hailing from Birmingham, England and with a culinary heritage sprawling around Britain, Tom, the host of Shelf Life and Alphabetti, is a cook from nowhere that takes inspiration from everywhere. Passionate about the shared food experience and the commonalities between supposedly separate cuisines, Tom showcases broad and thorough references in his cooking and has a particular love for spices. He is also obsessed with pasta salads and is currently waiting for Mr. Naga to get in touch regarding his Ambassadorship.

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