You can get cheese Easter eggs and they look epic
16 Mar 2023

Shout out to everyone who would pick a cheeseboard over a pud – this one’s for you.
You can now get Easter eggs that are made of cheese, and we need to try one immediately.
From the brand Butler’s Farmhouse Cheeses, the eggs come in two flavours: cheddar and blue cheese, for those who fancy something a bit funkier.
Selling in a box so they look exactly like their chocolatey counterparts, the products are technically half an Easter egg, but you’d never tell from the front.

Anyone for a cheese Easter egg? (Credit: Butlers)
The Easter egg halves can be chopped up and eaten on crackers or popped into a sandwich.
Weighing 120g, the eggs are made with the very best of Butlers’ cheeses – their traditional Farmhouse Cheddar and their gold award-winning blue cheese, Blacksticks Blue.
Whilst they look solid at first glance, both cheeses have been blended into a soft cheese consistency so they’re easy to chop a chunk out of.
What a dream, right?
READ MORE: Try Twisted’s Katsu Chicken Grilled Cheese recipe

Pop the Easter egg on a cheeseboard (Credit: Butlers)
You can order a Butlers’ cheese Easter eggs online for £6, and there’s also the option to order a letterbox version (£8.50), which comes alongside crispbreads and a sticky fig relish, too.
As well as on its own personal website, the Butlers eggs are primarily available on gifting websites, like Not On The Highstreet and Yumbles.
Cheese Easter eggs have actually been floating around for a little while now, but they’re still few and far between in supermarkets.
A few years ago, Marks and Spencer sold one from the folks at Barber’s Farmhouse Cheddar, filled with a “yolk” of 18-month matured Red Leicester. Pretty innovative, huh?

Marks and Spencers previously released cheesy eggs, too (Credit: Marks and Spencer)
READ MORE: Try Twisted’s Gourmet cheesy garlic bread recipe
These bad boys came in an actual egg box and were smaller, so they won points for realism.
But we’d say Butler’s giant Easter egg sized offering is the most innovative cheese version we’ve seen yet.
Got a mate that thinks chocolate is overrated? You know what to get ’em for Easter this year…