
Vegan BBQ week starts today – here are the best food brands for a plant-based barbecue

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Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

As the UK’s first-ever vegan BBQ week gets underway, people across the country are wondering how they can take part.

For many of us, figuring out how to host a BBQ without sausages, burgers and chicken wings is a real conundrum. Fortunatunately, however, there are plenty of ways to keep your party plant-based.

vegan BBQ week

There are plenty of delicious options ahead of vegan BBQ week (Credit: Alamy/Mykola Lunov)

Best brands for vegan BBQ week

Ahead of the week-long festivities, animal rights activist group PETA has unveiled a lengthy list of the best brands for a plant-based barbecue.

In addition to inspiring chefs and recipes, the resource also includes some great information for keeping things as animal-friendly as possible.

READ MORE: 13 of the highest rated charcoal and gas BBQs

To help you enjoy a seriously delicious, meat-free week, here are PETA’s picks for the best brands to buy for your BBQ.

1. Gauthier Home

vegan bbq weekend box

The vegan BBQ weekend box from Gauthier Home (Credit: Gauthier)

Michelin-starred chef Alexis Gauthier is probably best known as the chef-patron of Gauthier in Soho. However, in preparation for vegan BBQ week, Gauthier has switched things up in style.

READ MORE: How to go vegan and live a plant-based lifestyle

Customers can now enjoy a range of specially prepared dishes fresh from the Gauthier kitchen at home. From pastas, to puddings, to pastries, it’s the ultimate answer to a lazy vegan BBQ week!

2. Rudy’s Vegan Butcher

Rudy's vegan

Rudy’s also specialises in vegan ribs (Credit: Rudy’s)

“Vegan butcher” might sound like a contradiction in terms. However, at Rudy’s game-changing London business, you can find all the supplies you need for a brilliant vegan BBQ.

The business’ various cook at home boxes include the wherewithal for burgers, sandwiches and much more.

3. VBites

vegan burger

The VBites burger has the PETA stamp of approval (Credit: VBItes)

According to PETA, VBites is the go-to for delicious meat alternatives. As the group explains, the brand specialises in burgers, sausages, bacon rashers, cheese, and even doner kebab slices.

READ MORE: Check out Twisted’s Greek Vegan Burger Recipe

This year, they’ve even released a brand new Vbq Party In a Box – perfect for vegan BBQ week.

4. Meatless Farms

Meatless Farm burger

Meatless Farm make some seriously spectacular meat alternatives (Credit: Meatless Farm)

As one of the leading alternative meat makers in the UK, it’s no surprise the PETA are fans of Meatless Farms.

Check out Twisted’s BBQ Meatball Subs, made with Meatless Farm mince:

In particular, the group cites the brand’s sausages as real standouts. However, Meatless Farms also offers delicious ground beef and burgers for a great BBQ option.

5. Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains has won praise for its burgers (Credit: Moving Mountains)

Similarly, PETA is also full of praise for Moving Mountains delicious plant-based bangers.

As well as offering great sausages, the brand also offers plenty of tasty BBQ foods. These include sausage and brunch burgers, as well as incredible hot dogs.

6. Miami Burgers

vegan bacon BBQ

Miami Burger’s Streaky Bacon Rashers can upgrade any dish (Credit: Miami Burger)

Getting vegan bacon right can be a tricky tightrope walk. Fortunately, Miami Burgers get the balancing act spot on.

READ MORE: 8 essential tips for hosting the perfect BBQ

The brand’s signature Smoked Streaky Bacon Rashers are a great way to instantly upgrade any vegan burger.

7. Vivera

jumbo plant dog

Jumbo plant dogs from Vivera are the real deal (Credit: Vivera)

It’s easy for vegan sausages to look a little sorry for themselves compared to the real thing. This is where Vivera‘s Jumbo Plant Dogs show their worth.

As massive as they are delicious, these dogs will certainly make your vegan BBQ day.

8. LoveSeitan

LoveSeitan chicken burger

LoveSeitan’s alternative chicken burgers are a great substitute (Credit: LoveSeitan

Beef burgers are a staple of every great British barbecue. However, if you feel like a switch-up, LoveSeitan is a great alternative.

READ MORE: Everything you need to know about the vegan meat alternative seitan

The brand’s popular Chyck’n burgers are just as crispy and moreish as the best southern-fried chicken. You might never go back to beef.

9. Goodlife

Goodlife nut burger

The Goodlife nut burger is a good way to shake things up (Credit: Good Life)

Nut roasts are a staple for plant-based diners. However, vegan ingredient specialist Goodlife takes the nut concept one step further.

The brand’s nut burgers are completely unique and offer a deliciously distinct taste – a great option for your grill.

10. Tiba Tempeh

Tempeh vegan ribs

The Tibah Tempeh sticky ribs are particularly popular with PETA (Credit: Tiba Tempeh)

Tempeh doesn’t always get the love it deserves compared to other meat substitutes. Tiba Tempeh’s range of awesome tempeh products is out to change all that.

PETA highlights the brand’s Sticky BBQ Ribs as a must-try, but there are plenty of options to explore.

11. Aldi

Aldi vegan

Aldi’s Plant Menu is a big hit with vegan customers (Credit: Aldi)

Although burgers are an obvious barbecue highlight, it’s not all about meat alternatives. Sometimes, you need something lighter.

READ MORE: Check out Twisted’s Vegan Fried Wings Recipe

On this front, PETA cite supermarket Aldi as a great option. In particular, the campaigners praise the supermarket’s vegan coleslaw and potato salads, part of its Plant Menu range.

12. Hellman’s

Hellman's vegan

Hellman’s has a range of vegan mayo (Credit: Hellman’s)

As PETA quite rightly point out, “any BBQ is only as strong as its condiments”. To this end, Hellman’s mayonnaise is a must-have for vegan BBQ week.

The famous condiment creator provides several types of vegan mayo, including chipotle, garlic and baconaise.

13. Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry's ice cream

Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy ice creams are hugely popular (Credit: Ben & Jerry’s)

No proper barbecue is complete without something sweet to finish. Rounding off PETA’s picks for great vegan-friendly brands to try this week, we have ice cream giants Ben & Jerry’s.

The Vermont-based business has made a name for itself in recent years by diversifying into the vegan market. Options like Chunky Monkey and Chocolate Fudge Brownie are all available in fairy-free flavours.

READ MORE: Check Out Twisted’s Vegan BBQ Mushroom Spring Rolls Recipe

If you’re a meat-eater, it’s easy to assume that plants can’t deliver on the flavour front. However, as this list proves, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In order to make this vegan BBQ week as delicious as possible, look no further than these PETA-approved brands.
