
People are divided after McDonald’s diner lets dog sit on table as they eat

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Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

People have been left divided after a McDonald’s diner let a dog sit on the table where people ate. 

Now, there’s no denying that some people are pretty close to their pets – so much so that they literally take them everywhere – but it’s fair to say that not everyone is in agreement over where to draw the line.

We know that dogs are man’s best friend and all, but would you let your pooch sit on a table that’s designed for eating at? And not only at home but in a public place

It’s safe to say the jury is still out on this one…

dog table mcdonalds reddit

The dog on the table in this Maccies sparked a debate (Credit: Reddit)

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Taking to Reddit, user @blokeonreddit posted a picture of a man and a woman sitting at a table at a Maccies in Melbourne with their pet dog perching on the table.

The little pup seemed to be looking around with his little butt connected firmly to the table while the owners were waiting for their meal at the popular fast food restaurant.

The caption alongside the photo read: “Who doesn’t love some dirty dog anus on their Maccas table?” 


McDonalds dog table reddit

Would you put your dog where people’s food normally sits? (Credit: Alamy)

The controversial image ignited a heated debate about people’s pet etiquette.

“BuT HeS FrIeNdLy AnD DoEsNt BiTe,” one Redditer mocked.

“That’s gross. I love my dogs but their a** ain’t coming inside let alone sitting on a table,” said someone else.

Another slammed the owner as entitled saying: “Entitled as*h*le thinks no dogs except service animals rule magically doesn’t apply to them.”

This user went on to state that while they loved animals, seeing this type of behaviour was “rank.”

Others weren’t as put off by the snap, saying that others were overreacting.

One stated that “the dog’s anus is probably cleaner than that counter top,” while another added that it shouldn’t really be a problem “unless you’re planning on licking the table.”

“The staff probably just wipes the table down after,” said a fellow supporter. 

mcdonalds dog table reddit

How pampered is your pooch? (Credit: Alamy)

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As another wrote: “That’s why you eat off the tray, not the table.”


This isn’t the first time dogs in restaurants have sparked conversation online – in fact, it’s always a divisive issue.

One pub in Cumbria also recently got the internet talking after it received a scathing Trip Advisor review because of dogs “begging” at the table.

“If you like a dog barking at your table begging for food off your plate..then hey ho it maybe for you…,” the review read.

As the story did the rounds online, a heated debate then ensued about whether dogs should be allowed in pubs or not.

You can read more about that here.
