What food has the longest shelf life? Supplies you’d in the apocalypse

saved! saved!
Twisted: Unserious food tastes seriously good.

Stock up on food with the longest shelf life if you want to survive the apocalypse.

With world leaders entering into nuclear penis measuring contests, global destruction is, seemingly, imminent.

Therefore, all discerning foodies should begin planning their post-apocalyptic menus ASAP.

But what food has the longest shelf life?

Here’s everything you need to know…

what food has the longest shelf life apocalypse Here’s our guide to the food you need in an apocalypse (Credit: Pixabay)

What food has the longest shelf life?

Movies have shown all of us the thrills and spills that await in our dystopian future.

But very few provide practical advice on how to make the apocalypse as tasty as possible.

READ MORE: The Doomsday Vault

Fortunately, Team Twisted is on hand with a list of food that not only has a long shelf life but is also delicious.

Our handy guide is all you’ll need to safely navigate the radioactive, zombie-riddled landscape of the next few years.

We recommend everyone prints off a copy prior to inevitable total technological failure.

1. Spam

Spam long shelf life SPAM has an incredibly long shelf life (Credit: Pixabay)

Kick off your doomsday dinner right by ensuring you have access to a healthy supply of Spam.

The “miracle meat” was credited by the Russians as integral to their campaign against Germany in World War Two.

It’s been a store cupboard staple since its inception in 1937.

Long lasting and nigh on indestructible, Spam is a ready solution to many of our future foodie woes.

2. Oats

Oats long shelf life Oats are an essential store cupboard supply for the apocalypse (Credit: Pixabay)

It’s difficult to picture how any scenario couldn’t be improved by a bowl of porridge.

To this end, oats should form the backbone of all future breakfasts.

When correctly stored, oats can last up to three years, giving you a good period before you have to resort to cannibalism.

Check out our four delicious overnight oats recipes:

3. Alcohol

Alcohol what food has the longest shelf life Alcohol is a natural preservative (Credit: Pixabay)

Regardless of how many oats and Spam you’ve managed to get your hands on, the wasteland will still be a pretty dismal place.

To ensure your future is not resolutely miserable, prepare yourself with a stash of booze.

Alcohol can famously last for hundreds of years, so survivors can at least look forward to a final lonely party, if all else fails.

4. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter long shelf life Peanut butter lasts a long time due to its high fat content (Credit: Pixabay)

Condiments and preservatives of any sort will go a long way to prolonging existence.

Long-lasting and resistant to decay, they’ll make a great accompaniment to any apocalyptic appetiser.

We’ve highlighted peanut butter for it’s high energy, protein and fibre content.

Mixed with oats, it becomes a great snack for the greedier survivor.

5. Bottled Water

Bottled water No survival bunker is complete without bottled water (Credit: Pixabay)

Indispensable for life on earth, water should probably come higher on this list.

Anyone lucky enough to have avoided nuclear incineration/zombies should make sure that they have access to bottled water.

Do not risk drinking straight from scattered radioactive puddles.

6. Dried/canned fruit

dried fruit long shelf life Dried and canned fruit lasts a lot longer than its fresh counterparts (Credit: Pixabay)

As we’ve already learned, scurvy is not a pleasant experience.

Therefore, getting a balance of vitamins and minerals in your diet will be essential to making the dystopia as enjoyable as possible.

Dried and canned fruit such as peaches, pineapples and raisins is a tasty way to stay healthy while others are losing their teeth.

7. Tomato paste

Fresh fruit and vegetables will decay incredibly quickly in our new wasteland.

Therefore, the best way to get your body essential anti-oxidants and minerals is from tomato paste.

Long-lasting and easy to transport, carrying tomato paste will also mean that you can wow fellow survivors with a mean bolognese, should the right circumstances arise.

8. Honey

Honey in jars What food has the longest shelf life Honey has an incredibly long shelf life (Credit: Pixabay)

If the future seems to be looking bleak for quite some time, you’ll want food that’s going to last for as long as possible.

Honey has been found to remain vaguely edible for several thousand years, meaning that there is always has the option of going full Winnie the Pooh for a while to ensure survival.

You might not have any teeth left by the end, but at least your food won’t have gone off.

Apocalypse foods Knowing what foods have a long shelf-life could make all the difference in the apocalypse (Credit: Pexels)

Food for the apocalypse

Nobody’s pretending that the apocalypse is going to be an easy time for food lovers.

READ MORE: 10 more foods with a seriously long shelf life

However, by packing sensibly and ensuring that you have ready access to everything on this list, global destruction will at least be delicious.

We wish all of you the best of luck in the horrible future to come.
