Dubai Pistachio Kunafa Triple Chocolate Brownie

We've all seen the trend, but we think it looks way more stunning as a brownie!

Done in 1 hour

Serves 6-8

Ori Goldberg

Dish by Ori Goldberg



Triple chocolate brownie:

non-stick oil spray or unsalted butter, room temp

62gplain flour

50gcocoa powder

3/4tsp salt

115g unsalted butter, cubed

113g dark chocolate

250ggranulated sugar

3 large eggs

1 tbspvanilla extract

100gchocolate chunks (chips)

Pistachio butter:

200gpistachio kernels

2 tbspneutral oil

We've been loving the pistachio kunafa chocolate seen all over social media, but it got us thinking... how could we make this just that little bit better... and well, this recipe won't disappoint. Oozing with crispy, creamy pistachio butter, this triple chocolate brownie makes for the naughtiest dessert.


First things first, preheat your oven to 180°c, and line a 8x8 inch baking tin with parchment and oil spray/butter.

After this, we'll start with the pistachio butter. Pour all our kernels into a food processor, with a couple tablespoons of oil, and start blitzing. Leave to blitz for about 7-10 minutes, until the mixture naturally turns into a paste.

For the brownie batter, mix al the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, and separately, place a heat-proof bowl over a double boiler, and melt the butter and chocolate. Once fully melted, mix in the sugar, and then the eggs one at a time, until the mixture is smooth and shiny.

Add the dry ingredients into the wet along with the vanilla and chocolate chunks, and mix till just combined (do not over mix).

Pour out half the batter into the baking tin, and spoon on the pistachio filling. Spread out and pour the rest of the batter over the layer of pistachio butter, and pop into the oven for 45 minutes.

The hardest part is letting this cool for about 30 minutes, before cutting into 9 pieces and tucking in!

What do you think of the recipe?

Ori Goldberg

Ori Goldberg

Coming from a family of entertainers and cooks, Ori (a professional eater turned chef) has been surrounded by all things food for as long as he can remember. Born and raised in NW London, post university Ori decided to dedicate some time into running the family restaurant, delve deep into his middle-eastern roots, and create menus expressing his love for traditional street foods and baked goods. Now, the dream is to continue to push boundaries of technique and fusion, through life experiences and upbringing!

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