Basque Seafood Pil Pil Linguine

The Basque region has some incredible dishes, and they're not all that hard!

Done in 45 minutes

Serves 4

Ori Goldberg

Dish by Ori Goldberg



Everything you'll need:

4cod fillets, cut into cubes

12prawns, shelled and cleaned

200ml extra virgin olive oil

1 chilli pepper, whole

4 garlic cloves

1 tspsweet paprika

2 parsley stalks

handful of parsley leaves, finely chopped

salt and pepper, to taste

We're taking two of the Basque region's favourite dishes; Cod Pil Pil and Gambas Pil Pil, and turning them into the ultimate, continental seafood linguine, that every Nona and Amuma would be proud of!


This one is so easy! Place the olive oil, garlic, chilli, parsley stalks and the cod and prawns to a cold pan, and start poaching on low heat! This will take about 25-30 minutes, and what we're looking for there to be little goblets of seafood juice in the oil. After cooking, remove all the seafood and place aside.

Take a whisk, or more traditionally, a small fine-mesh sieve, and start whisking the oil together until a thick sauce forms... and it will!

To this sauce, add your cooked pasta, paprika, and chopped parsley and give it all a good mix. Plate up and mix in the seafood with the left over sauce, before pouring it onto the pasta!

And for all those seafood lovers out there, you can add muscles or any other fish to make this dish extra special. Serve with a good squeeze of lemon, and some toasted bread to mop up that sauce.

What do you think of the recipe?

Ori Goldberg

Ori Goldberg

Coming from a family of entertainers and cooks, Ori (a professional eater turned chef) has been surrounded by all things food for as long as he can remember. Born and raised in NW London, post university Ori decided to dedicate some time into running the family restaurant, delve deep into his middle-eastern roots, and create menus expressing his love for traditional street foods and baked goods. Now, the dream is to continue to push boundaries of technique and fusion, through life experiences and upbringing!

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