
Woman sparks debate on TikTok after washing fruit and veg in dishwasher

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We're not ashamed to admit that we've learnt a few cooking tips and tricks from Tiktok in our time, but we've also learnt that some people have very different ways of doing things.

Case in point? One woman who has gone viral on TikTok for washing her fruit and veg in the dishwasher...

In a clip shared by @larad_official, a woman films her mother laying an array of fruit and vegetables in his dishwasher – from celery to carrots to dragon fruits.

When asked what she was doing, the mum replies: “I’m trying to wash my fruit and vegetable in the dishwasher. Why not?”

Why not, but also.... why?!

The daughter goes on to point out that dishwashers are for dishes not fruit and veg, but her mum isn't phased, replying: “No, it can clean my vegetable and fruit with vinegar."

The baffled daughter then asks how many times she's done this, to which she replies: “So many times.”

“So you literally refuse to use the dishwasher for dishes, but it’s OK for fruits and vegetables?” her daughter replies.

“Yeah, I think I feel more clean because so many people are touching (produce),” her mom says, suggesting that alternatively, dishes are only touched by her family.

Not convinced, the daughter tells her mum that this is "not something that people do".

The mum goes on to explain in another video that she's cooking the food on a cold water rinse setting.

And while you may scoff, the fruit and veg does look remarkably sparkling clean when she reveals the result of the wash.

Reacting to the video, people had a lot of thoughts.

"I mean maybe if it never had soap in it but I could not get over soap being left over lol," said one person, expressing their reticence.

While another wrote: "This is why I don’t eat food at potlucks."

"Am I the only one who’s never really washed my veggies or fruits and I’m still alive?" said someone else.

"I just know those apples taste like dishwasher tablets and rinse," said a fellow critic.

GettyImages-1307216719.jpgHow do you wash your fruit and veg? (Credit: Getty)

For all the naysayers, though, others were sold on the idea.

"Excuse me whilst I empty my dishwasher and load it with veg," one chimed in.

As a fellow TikToker replied: "She's a GENIUS."

So, is there actually any point washing your fruit and veg in a dishwasher? Let's dig a little deeper...

Luke LaBorde, Ph.D., a Professor of Food Science at Penn State University tells that whilst it won't do any harm washing your food produce in the dishwasher, it probably wouldn't be that beneficial, either.

"It could reduce soil deposits, but most dishwashers recirculate the water, making it unlikely to reduce harmful or spoilage microbes," he said.

GettyImages-1630428383.jpgDishwashers are for dishes only, pass it on (Credit: Getty)

"There is a variety of vegetables; some don’t need much washing, others such as root crops could require more vigorous cleaning," LaBorde says. "Cool running water from the faucet is the recommendation for cleaning produce in the kitchen."

The FDA had their say too, telling the publication: "The FDA does not recommend utilising kitchen appliances, such as the dishwasher, to wash produce safely and effectively.

"The FDA only recommends washing produce thoroughly under running water."

So, there you have it.

Featured image: Getty
