Blueberry Loaf Ice Cream Sandwich

A delicious summer treat for ice cream lovers everywhere made with Bake Off's finest, Freya Cox!

Done in 90 minutes

Serves 8

Mia Jacobs

Dish by Mia Jacobs



The blueberry ice cream

125gfresh blueberries

1 tbspcoconut condensed milk

250mloat whipping cream

200gcoconut condensed milk

1 tspvanilla paste

The blueberry loaf

170mlsoya milk

50mllemon juice

80gvegan plain yoghurt

120mlvegetable oil

230gcaster sugar

1 tspvanilla extract

350gplain flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tspsalt


1 tspdemerara sugar

If you love ice cream and you love cake, this one is for you. It's fruity, it's nostalgic and it's the dream ice cream sandwich to devour on a hot or cold day!hhfbasbfb fhf


Start with the ice cream mix. Add the washed blueberries to a small saucepan with a tablespoon of condensed milk. Stir to combine and simmer until you get a jam like consistency.

Whip the cream to soft peaks then fold in the rest of the condensed milk, vanilla paste and sieve in the blueberry mixture once cooled. Fold it all together gently then pour into a freezable container and freeze for a minimum of 4 hours.

Preheat the oven to 180C fan, line a 2lb loaf tin with parchment paper and set to one side.

Add the wet ingredients, including the sugar, to a large mixing bowl and whisk together then add in the dry ingredients, whisk until smooth.

Finally fold in the blueberries, reserving a few for the top.

Pour the batter into the lined tin and top with the extra blueberries and Demerara sugar.

Place into the oven for 55-60mins, until the top looks golden and a skewer comes out clean.

Let the cake cook before scooping the ice cream and serving between 2 slices of the loaf. Enjoy immediately!

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Mia Jacobs

Mia Jacobs

Mia is a self-taught cook with an obsession with street food and an absolute hatred for parsnips. Before joining Twisted Green, Mia founded an online vegan cooking school in the midst of the global pandemic and began teaching people all over the world how to cook incredible vegan food from the comfort of their own homes. Her mission was, and still is, to help transform kitchens everywhere from a daunting space to one that’s filled with the irresistible aroma of frying garlic, and some very special plant-based grub. She also believes that crisps and hummus are a gift to humanity.

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