Coconut Sugar Churros and Malaysian Coconut Jam

This one's for those who love bounty, coconut milk and all things coconut!!!

Done in 45 minutes

Serves 4

Ori Goldberg

Dish by Ori Goldberg



The churros:

250ml boiling water


pinch of salt

40gvegetable oil, split into 25g and 15g)

140gplain flour

vegetable oil, for frying

Coconut Jam:

4egg yolks

250ml coconut cream

80gdark brown or muscovado sugar

pinch of salt

3 fresh pandan leaves, optional

It's time to give coconut the spotlight! We're making traditional, crispy on the outside and fluffy in the middle churros and covering them in a coconut sugar, and to dip... A Malaysian coconut jam that only needs 3 ingredients.


Start with the coconut jam. Add all the ingredients but the yolks to a cold saucepan, and start to gently heat till everything is incorporated, and once steaming, let sit with a lid for 10 minutes. Ladle this mixture into the beaten egg yolks slowly, before transferring the mixture back into the saucepan, cooking on low for another 15 minutes.

To make the churros, you firstly need to make sure you have: 2 strong, large piping bags, and a large piping nozzle.

For the dough, boil water with the salt and sugar, and 25g of oil. Whilst still boiling add all the flour at once into the water, turning off the heat and mixing aggressively for a minute until combined. Cover and let steam for 2 minutes, before adding the remaining oil and mixing until smooth and cooled slightly. Being careful knead the dough for a couple minutes before allowing to cool until just warm, then placing in a piping bag.

With the other bag, cut a whole at the tip and insert the nozzle. Then cut the tip of the dough piping bag and place this into the nozzle bag. This way you can change the nozzle easily if needed!

Heat oil in a heavy duty saucepan to 190°c. Pipe the churros on a tray lined with baking paper into logs, and carefully lower them into the oil, cooking for 3-4 minutes. Let cook before covering in blitzed up desiccated coconut and sugar, serve with our coconut jam and enjoy!

What do you think of the recipe?

Ori Goldberg

Ori Goldberg

Coming from a family of entertainers and cooks, Ori (a professional eater turned chef) has been surrounded by all things food for as long as he can remember. Born and raised in NW London, post university Ori decided to dedicate some time into running the family restaurant, delve deep into his middle-eastern roots, and create menus expressing his love for traditional street foods and baked goods. Now, the dream is to continue to push boundaries of technique and fusion, through life experiences and upbringing!

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