Pumpkin Pie Doughnuts

Its autumn, and the only means one thing... PUMPKIN SEASON!

Done in 3 hours

Serves 6-8

Ori Goldberg

Dish by Ori Goldberg




500gstrong white flour

1 egg

145mlwhole milk


4gvanilla extract



100gbutter, room temp


480mlwhole milk

1vanilla pod

1/2 tspcinnamon

1/4 ginger powder

1/4 nutmeg

orange peel

5large egg yolks

3 tbspplain flour

100glight brown sugar

425g (1 can) pumpkin puree


handful of golden caster sugar

handful of baked pie crust, crushed

Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake, pumpkin cheesecake and now... Pumpkin Pie Doughnuts! Spiced pumpkin custard, pipped into a fluffy, pie crumb covered doughnut. We're not here to hate on tradition, but these ones are really, really good!


Like any doughnut recipe, it starts with the dough. Mix together the wet ingredients with thew yeast and sugar, before adding the dry ingredients to a stand mixer. Knead for 10 minutes on low, before slowly adding in the butter, kneading a bit faster. Let rest in the same bowl for 2 hours, or until it doubles in size.

For the filling, start by adding the milk, and spices to a saucepan. Heat until steaming then let sit with the heat off for 5 minutes to steep. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, flour and sugar, and once steeped, pour the milk slowly into the egg mixture whilst continuously mixing. Place back onto a medium heat with pumpkin puree, cooking and mixing until thick and glossy. Let cool completely before pouring it into a piping bag for later!

To make our coating, make a sheet of shortcrust pastry with egg wash and sugar until golden. Crush it up in a bag with a rolling pin, and mix a few spoonfuls in with some sugar.

Once our dough has proved, split it into 110g balls, and allow to rest again for an hour, before frying at 160°c for 4-6 minutes each side. Let drain before covering in our pie crust coating. Make a hole on the side and pipe in our pumpkin custard, before topping with a final pieces of pie crust.

What do you think of the recipe?

Ori Goldberg

Ori Goldberg

Coming from a family of entertainers and cooks, Ori (a professional eater turned chef) has been surrounded by all things food for as long as he can remember. Born and raised in NW London, post university Ori decided to dedicate some time into running the family restaurant, delve deep into his middle-eastern roots, and create menus expressing his love for traditional street foods and baked goods. Now, the dream is to continue to push boundaries of technique and fusion, through life experiences and upbringing!

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