Filipino Aubergine Omelette AKA Tortang Talong

Tortang talong – where have you been all my life?

Done in 30 minutes

Serves 0



What you'll need:

1aubergine - preferably one of the long thin variety


1 tspflaked sea salt

1 tspblack pepper

2 tbspvegetable oil

to servesteamed rice, banana ketchup

This incredibly easy Filipino classic really is delicious. If you're searching for a recipe that combines eggplant/aubergine with actual eggs, you've hit the jackpot here friend. Smokey, creamy with crispy bits of egg this is a really big payoff for a very small amount of effort. It's also good for breakfast incidentally!


Take the aubergine and burn the hell out of it over a naked flame until it's soft all the way through and is collapsing. Carefully place it in a bowl and cover with clingfilm, then leave it for ten minutes to steam.

Peel the aubergine and discard the skin.

Whisk an egg with the salt and pepper - go heavy on the salt to make up for the unseasoned aubergine. Dip the aubergine in the egg.

Heat the oil until hot and shimmering, then slide the whole shebang into the frying pan. Cook on both sides until the egg has set and you've got some nice crispy frilly bits on the side.

Serve with steamed rice and banana ketchup. If you can't find that, sriracha is good, or normal ketchup.

What do you think of the recipe?

Hugh Woodward

Hugh Woodward