Lazy Cake

Lazy never tasted so GOOD!

Done in 2 -3 hours

Serves 6-8

Chris Cahill

Dish by Chris Cahill



180gRich Tea Biscuits


100gMelted Butter

200gCondensed Milk

6 tbspCocoa Powder

30gWhite Chocolate (Optional)

No time to make a cake? We got you! You only need 4 base ingredients to make this incredibly easy 'cake' and the best part is you can add whatever extra ingredients you like, there's no rules.. You want to add marshmallows? Go ahead! You love Maltesers? ME TOO! Throw them in!


Break the biscuits into large chunks and set aside. If making the lazy cake in a loaf pan, lightly grease a loaf pan and line with parchment paper.

Add Maltesers (Or anything you'd like to add!)

In a large bowl, mix together the melted butter, cocoa powder and condensed milk until smooth and combined. Add to the biscuit mixture and fold to combine.

Place the mixture into the prepared loaf pan and freeze for 2-3 hours until set.

Once firm, Decorate how you see fit and then slice and enjoy. Store any extra slices in the freezer to enjoy anytime!

What do you think of the recipe?

Chris Cahill

Chris Cahill

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